1300 028 327

The first step is to see if our services
are right for you:

  • You're an Australian resident
  • You're between 18-65 years old
  • You or your partner have a regular income
  • You may need to borrow money or take control of your debt
  • You may have been declined for a loan or have trouble paying your debt

And you understand that...

  • We'll work with you fully understand your financial situation
  • We will help you understand your credit report and the areas for improvement
  • You may yourself without charge obtain a copy of your credit record and challenge any entry on your credit report
  • If you're applying for credit restoration improvement, we cannot guarantee that all adverse credit notations are removed from your credit report
  • We can only use our best endeavours to ensure that your credit record is true and correct
  • We will not provide you with any Insolvency services unless and until we've advised you that you may obtain help, free of charge, with credit and debt related problems from community based financial counsellors.

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7 facts about debt you may not know!

A big part of knowing how to manage debt is first understanding debt itself. Considering questions like “when am I most likely to get into debt?” can help you prevent debt by being prepared. Knowing when and how you’re likely to be contacted by a debt collector can help ensure...
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Are you late on your mortgage repayments?

Not being able to meet mortgage payments is every homeowner’s worst fear. However, it can happen all too easily, with close to 30% of Australian households now under mortgage stress. Unexpected illness, maternity leave, job loss or sudden interest rate hikes can all play a role. If you are falling...
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Could you be saving more?

What are you saving for? Is it a house, a wedding or your dream around-the-world holiday? This handy infographic will help you learn how to put more money away so you can achieve your larger life goals. Learn how to budget better and be more savvy when it comes to...
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How to budget on a low income

When it comes to building wealth, it’s not what you make that matters but what you save. People on high incomes often also have expensive lifestyles and save little, whereas people on lower incomes can save extraordinary amounts. Here’re some easy ways to get started smashing your budget goals, regardless...
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Dealing with debt collectors: Know your rights

Nobody wants to deal with debt collectors. However, the process can be far easier if you know how to interact with them and what your legal rights are. You are entitled to be treated professionally and courteously and to have your privacy respected. In return, it will smooth the process...
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Informal debt solutions decoded

Informal Debt Solutions don’t fall under the Bankruptcy Act 1966 and are an updated arrangement (often with your current creditors) in order to get yourself back on track to meet your repayments. It’s still important to understand the pros and cons of each, however entering into one of these arrangements...
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