1300 028 327

The first step is to see if our services
are right for you:

  • You're an Australian resident
  • You're between 18-65 years old
  • You or your partner have a regular income
  • You may need to borrow money or take control of your debt
  • You may have been declined for a loan or have trouble paying your debt

And you understand that...

  • We'll work with you fully understand your financial situation
  • We will help you understand your credit report and the areas for improvement
  • You may yourself without charge obtain a copy of your credit record and challenge any entry on your credit report
  • If you're applying for credit restoration improvement, we cannot guarantee that all adverse credit notations are removed from your credit report
  • We can only use our best endeavours to ensure that your credit record is true and correct
  • We will not provide you with any Insolvency services unless and until we've advised you that you may obtain help, free of charge, with credit and debt related problems from community based financial counsellors.

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Why repair your credit report?

Negative listings on your credit report, such as black marks, can affect almost every aspect of your life -from a getting a loan for a major purchase, like a house, to even getting a mobile phone contract. Fortunately, you may not have to wait up to 5 years for a...
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Top habits of people with excellent credit reports

Loans are a necessary part of life for most of us, and having a good credit history is key to getting a loan application approved, like a mortgage or even a mobile phone contract. A healthy credit history could also put you in a good position to negotiate a better...
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What to do if your loan application is refused

If you were rejected for a loan, you may wonder why – it may be as simple as a missing document in your application, or it may be a warning sign that something is wrong with your credit history. Understand the problem No matter what type of loan you are...
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Can I get a default for a bill I never received?

If you fall behind on your loan repayments, a creditor may report the default with the credit reporting agencies. However, what if you find out you have a black mark on your credit report for a bill you never received? If you never received it, it’s not your fault Creditors...
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3 options for dealing with unmanaged debt

When debts pile up and become unmanageable it can be overwhelming. However, there are options you can – and should – explore for getting on top of the situation.   1. Negotiating a repayment plan with your debt collectors If you are struggling to repay a debt that is yours,...
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6 smart ways to start the new financial year afresh

Much like January 1st, the beginning of a new financial year is a great time to take stock. There’s nothing like having to go through your finances at tax time to help you assess where you’re on track and where you could do better. Gear up for a great year...
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