1300 028 327

The first step is to see if our services
are right for you:

  • You're an Australian resident
  • You're between 18-65 years old
  • You or your partner have a regular income
  • You may need to borrow money or take control of your debt
  • You may have been declined for a loan or have trouble paying your debt

And you understand that...

  • We'll work with you fully understand your financial situation
  • We will help you understand your credit report and the areas for improvement
  • You may yourself without charge obtain a copy of your credit record and challenge any entry on your credit report
  • If you're applying for credit restoration improvement, we cannot guarantee that all adverse credit notations are removed from your credit report
  • We can only use our best endeavours to ensure that your credit record is true and correct
  • We will not provide you with any Insolvency services unless and until we've advised you that you may obtain help, free of charge, with credit and debt related problems from community based financial counsellors.

Get Started No Thanks

CRA provides an assessment of your credit reports to determine the most appropriate solution for your individual situation. To obtain your FREE credit reports, contact us today.


When you contact us you can expect the following:

  • Your credit score and a copies of your credit reports with all of the relevant information explained to you by one of our consultants in a clear, easy to understand way.
  • A detailed review of your financial situation and a range of options available based on the information you have given us.
  • An individual action plan and detailed budget developed by our consultant.

As an approved Access Seeker to all credit reporting agencies, CRA can obtain copies of your credit reports instantly, and explain all the listings to you.

Your credit report (also referred to as your credit file or credit history) includes information such as your name, address, employment history, date of birth, a list of creditors who have reviewed the report, date accounts were opened and closed, any late payments, defaults or judgements, clear-outs, crossed or linked files, name changes and bankruptcies, etc.

Whenever you apply for any type of finance, your credit history is checked by lenders. If you have just one negative listing on your credit report, you may find it difficult to get approved.

How do I find out what’s on my credit report?

If you’ve been declined for a loan or are unsure what your credit history looks like, then CRA could help you. We can provide you with a credit report review, and can assess your report to determine the most appropriate solution for your individual situation.

To get your credit report review and assessment call us on 1300 419 753 or request a call back.
