1300 028 327

The first step is to see if our services
are right for you:

  • You're an Australian resident
  • You're between 18-65 years old
  • You or your partner have a regular income
  • You may need to borrow money or take control of your debt
  • You may have been declined for a loan or have trouble paying your debt

And you understand that...

  • We'll work with you fully understand your financial situation
  • We will help you understand your credit report and the areas for improvement
  • You may yourself without charge obtain a copy of your credit record and challenge any entry on your credit report
  • If you're applying for credit restoration improvement, we cannot guarantee that all adverse credit notations are removed from your credit report
  • We can only use our best endeavours to ensure that your credit record is true and correct
  • We will not provide you with any Insolvency services unless and until we've advised you that you may obtain help, free of charge, with credit and debt related problems from community based financial counsellors.

Get Started No Thanks

Established over a decade ago, Credit Repair Australia is the industry leader in credit restoration and helping people get their finances back on track.

With approximately 1 in 10 Australians having a black mark on their credit report and thousands more struggling with debt every year, Credit Repair’s founder and CEO, Richard Symes, decided to challenge this by creating Australia’s first process to improve credit reports; and therefore giving everyday Australians a better chance to get their loans approved.

In 1999, Richard also played a pivotal role in using new Australian laws to develop workable solutions for people struggling with debt. Known as Credit Repair Australia’s debt solutions, these options now allow Australians to pay back their debts as fast as possible and they may pay back less than the amount they owe.

This credit restoration process and the range of debt solutions proved to be so successful that Richard and his 3 staff couldn’t keep up with the demand. Since then, Credit Repair Australia has now grown to over 75 employees who have assisted thousands of Australians repair their credit reports and take control of their debt.

Our Key Milestones

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